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Guest Post on A Culinary Journey

Indian Fry Bread Tacos

It might have seemed like it’s been a little bit quiet this week, however, that’s far from the truth around here.  After Pig Island, I was deep in study-land cramming for an exam for my culinary class.  I was also preparing a guest post for Chef Dennis Littley who is the author of the fantastic recipe and cooking information website A Culinary Journey.  The tagline for his site is, “Yes, Virginia, there is more to life than takeout and the microwave,” echoing my own sentiments about making great dishes in your own home.

Great summer vegetables from the Greenmarket

Chef Dennis and I first met face-to-face at The Big Summer Potluck a little over a month ago.  We had actually “met” via Google+ and a mutual food blogger friend, the fabulous Mango Queen, prior to that.  He’s been an invaluable resource for me with some of the issues I’ve faced from time-to-time on my website, and I just thoroughly enjoy reading what he’s been getting up to in his kitchen.  It’s also just been such a pleasure to get to know someone equally passionate about cooking and food and who is an integral part of the food blogging community.

Herbivoracious by Michael Natkin

So, please head on over to A Culinary Journey to check out my post about the Indian Fry Bread Tacos from Michael Natkin’s terrific vegetarian cookbook Herbivoracious.  I’d been hanging onto this recipe to make when all the tomatoes, squash, peppers, and corn hit peak season.  This is a fantastic way to use up your summer produce, especially, if you are like me and just can’t resist loading up on all of it, knowing that it will only be around for a brief moment before we head into fall and winter.

Buon appetito!

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