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Making Cassoulet at Jimmy’s No. 43

Some of the cassoulets we made

As I’d mentioned, last week and weekend, I spent some time in the kitchen at Jimmy’s No. 43 working with guest chef Annette Tomei on making large quantities of cassoulet.  Annette and I have worked on several culinary projects together in the past, so when she called me to ask if I’d be up for helping out on this one, I knew that we’d have a great time banging around the kitchen and that I would have a chance to learn a lot about techniques and execution from her.  I also knew that we’d eat very well.

Chef Annette Tomei garnishing dishes at the Cassoulet Cook-off

I’ve kind of always wanted to do a series of photos of what takes place to get ready for these kinds of events, as it is about producing food in very large volume.  I managed to capture some of the process for making the cassoulet while we were working and created this slideshow (click on the “show info” link on the top right for the captions).  We made enough of each type of cassoulet for the Cassoulet & Beer Pairing event on Saturday, the Cassoulet Cook-off on Sunday, and the Cassoulet & Wine Pairing dinner on Monday night.  It’s been a big week for cassoulet!

Buon appetito!

“Jimmy and the Bean Trough: 6th Annual Cassoulet Cookoff at Jimmy’s No. 43” from Edible Manhattan (Article about my culinary events work at Jimmy’s No. 43 with VinEducation founder Chef Annette Tomei.)

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